Holy Baptism or Christening

I Baptise You…

Holy Baptism or Christening

A prayer for the Family

Heavenly Father, we thank you that we are part of your family.
Help us to bring up our children to know and love you.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Information for Parents and Godparents

When baptised, a person becomes a member of the Church and thus part of the family of God.  S/he finds there is a sense of belonging: belonging to a community of Christians which is worldwide and all embracing, and in which everyone is welcome and can find a home.

The Church is not just a special building in your town or village but a community of
people who are united together to serve our Lord Jesus Christ; and they offer a close and supportive community in which your children or godchildren
can grow up as part of Christ’s living body.

Baptism is a beginning, not an end. It marks the start of the Christian life. Newly-born babies need love, care and attention as they grow up. A newly-baptised person also needs nurture to grow into a mature Christian. This is why the role of parents and godparents is so important.

In the baptism service parents and godparents promise that the child will be brought up as a Christian to know and experience a living faith.  They make vows on behalf of the child, who later renews them at confirmation.

To enquire about a Baptism please contact our Ministry Area Office on 02920 624115.