Pastoral Visiting Team

Lay Pastoral Visiting, in what was then the Benefice of Whitchurch, began in 2004 under the guidance of Fr Mark Greenaway Robbins.

The scheme arose from the recognition that there was not enough time in the month for the clergy to visit all the housebound people of the Benefice who could no longer get to church, but still wanted to be part of it, and perhaps have time to talk and pray.

There are now 6 members of the team who visit people who cannot get to church, either short term or permanently.  They or their families have contacted the clergy and have asked if someone could visit them.  The visitors are usually at people’s homes for a visit of about an hour once a month.

Apart from everything else the visitors are trained to listen, which initially you may feel is not that important, but if you have thoughts or problems on your mind, and no one to share them with, to have someone come into your home and give you time to talk mean such a lot.  The visitors will also pray or take communion to the people , if requested.

All Lay Pastoral Visitors are members of the four churches in the Ministry Area and have all been trained and licensed as visitors by the Diocese of Llandaff.  The visitors all meet with the clergy once a month for confidential feedback from everyone.  The scheme is run very professionally and all visitors have DBS safeguarding screening and certification through the police.

If you know of someone or you yourself would like a visit, please do contact the clergy of the Ministry Area and they will put one of the LPV team in contact with you.

See our “Need a visit” page for contact details.