School Application Reference
How do I apply for my child to attend The Bishop of Llandaff in Year 7?
For admissions into Year 7, parents/carers are required to complete an application form by the specified deadline. The governing body is responsible for admissions and applies oversubscription criteria in the event that there are more applications than places available.
The Bishop of Llandaff has a published admission number (PAN), which permits the school to admit up to 180 students into each year group. In keeping with the Christian character of the school the governing body, who are responsible for admissions, allocate 150 ‘foundation’ places, and a further 30 ‘community’ places. A ‘foundation’ place is reserved for those students who are from Christian backgrounds, either Church in Wales or another Christian denomination. A ‘community’ place is intended for those families who wish their child to be educated at The Bishop of Llandaff as their preferred faith school.
To be considered for a place, an application must be submitted directly to the school by completing the application form. Applicants must also complete the Cardiff local authority online portal form, indicating The Bishop of Llandaff CiW High School as the preferred choice (where this is the case).
Clergy references will be sought by the school after your application has been submitted. Please let your local vicar know you are applying. Your local vicar will be asked to comment on how many years the applicant and their family have been associated with their local church. Those families that can demonstrate an association of five years or more are likely to be successful with their application, but this cannot be guaranteed as demand for places is high every year.
More information about admissions can be obtained in the ‘How to Apply guide’ for Parents/Carers
T: 02920562485